- /setbase
- - This command will let you set base on our server
- /home
- - This command will teleport you home after you claimed your bed.
- /pack
- - This command will teleport you back to your corpse
- /locations
- - List of locations players can teleport to.
- /friend playername
- - Tells the bot this player is friendly and allows them to setbase close to you and not be ejected from your base protect.
- /unfriend playername
- - It does totally opposite of friend command.
- /friends
- - List all your friends.
- /where
- - Gives info about where you are in the world and the rules that apply there.
- /tradehq
- - This command will teleport you to trading head Quarter of this server. where you can trade with traders, use workbench, chem station and furnance.
- /market
- - This command will teleport you to market of this server. where you can purchase from other player's vending machines or setup yours.
- /horde
- - This command will teleport you to horde hut of this server. where you can do the blood moon easily.
- /when feral or /day7
- - This command will tell you the day of feral hordes.
- /return
- - This command will teleport you back to the last place you were